Virtualisation, Storage and various other ramblings.

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Using the NSX-T CNI with RKE2

This post outlines the necessary steps to leverage the VMware NSX-T CNI with RKE2

1. Planning

The following illustrates my Lab environment with a single node cluster:

General Considerations

If you have a new NSX-T environment, ensure you have (as a minimum) the following:

  • T0 Router
  • T1 Router
  • Edge Cluster
  • VLAN Transport Zone
  • Overlay Transport Zone
  • Route advertisement (BGP/OSPF) to the physical network

NSX Specific Considerations

  • A network segment (or vds port) for management traffic (NS-K8S-MGMT in this example)
  • A network segment for overlay traffic (NS-K8S-OVERLAY)

Management traffic should be put on a routed network
Overlay traffic does not have to be on a routed network

You will need to acquire and upload the ncp container image to a private repo:

This will contain the NCP image

2. Prepare NSX Objects

  • Create and retrieve the object ID’s for:
  • An IP Block for the Pods (this /16 will be divided into /24’s in our cluster)
  • An IP Pool for loadBalancer service types

3. Create VM

  • Create a VM with one nic attached to the Management network, and one attached to the Overlay network. Note, for ease you can configure NSX-T to provide DHCP services to both
  • Ensure Python is Installed (aka Python2)

4. Install RKE2

  • Create the following configuration file to instruct RKE2 not to auto-apply a CNI:
packerbuilt@k8s-test-node:~$ cat /etc/rancher/rke2/config.yaml 
  - none
  • Install RKE2
curl -sfL | sh -
systemctl enable rke2-server.service
systemctl start rke2-server.service
# Wait a bit
export KUBECONFIG=/etc/rancher/rke2/rke2.yaml PATH=$PATH:/var/lib/rancher/rke2/bin
kubectl get nodes
  • You will notice some pods are in pending state – this is normal as these reside outside of the host networking namespace and we have yet to install a CNI

5. Install additional CNI binaries

  • NSX-T also requires access to the portmap CNI binary. this can be acquired by:
  • Extract the contents to /opt/cni/bin/

6. Tag the overlay network port on the VM

The NSX-T container plugin needs to identify the port used for container traffic. In the example above, this is the interface connection to our Overlay switch

  • In NSX-T navigate to Inventory -> Virtual Machines -> Select the VM
  • Select the port that’s connected to the overlay switch
  • Add the tags as appropriate

7. Download the NCP operator files

  • git clone
  • Change directory – cd /deploy/kubernetes/

8. Change the Operator yaml

  • Operator.yaml – replace where the image resides in your environment. Example:
            - name: NCP_IMAGE
              value: ""

9. Change the Configmap yaml file

Which values to change will depend on your deployment topology, but as an example:

@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ data:
     # If set to true, the logging level will be set to DEBUG instead of the
     # default INFO level.
-    #debug = False
+    debug = True
@@ -52,10 +52,10 @@ data:
     # Container orchestrator adaptor to plug in.
-    #adaptor = kubernetes
+    adaptor = kubernetes
     # Specify cluster for adaptor.
-    #cluster = k8scluster
+    cluster = k8scluster-lspfd2
     # Log level for NCP modules (controllers, services, etc.). Ignored if debug
     # is True
@@ -111,10 +111,10 @@ data:
     # Kubernetes API server IP address.
-    #apiserver_host_ip = <None>
+    apiserver_host_ip =
     # Kubernetes API server port.
-    #apiserver_host_port = <None>
+    apiserver_host_port = 6443
     # Full path of the Token file to use for authenticating with the k8s API
     # server.
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ data:
     # Specify whether ingress controllers are expected to be deployed in
     # hostnework mode or as regular pods externally accessed via NAT
     # Choices: hostnetwork nat
-    #ingress_mode = hostnetwork
+    ingress_mode = nat
     # Log level for the kubernetes adaptor. Ignored if debug is True
@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ data:
     # The OVS uplink OpenFlow port where to apply the NAT rules to.
-    #ovs_uplink_port = <None>
+    ovs_uplink_port = ens224
     # Set this to True if you want to install and use the NSX-OVS kernel
     # module. If the host OS is supported, it will be installed by nsx-ncp-
@@ -318,8 +318,11 @@ data:
     # [<scheme>://]<ip_adress>[:<port>]
     # If scheme is not provided https is used. If port is not provided port 80
     # is used for http and port 443 for https.
-    #nsx_api_managers = []
+    nsx_api_managers =
+    nsx_api_user = admin
+    nsx_api_password = SuperSecretPassword123!
+    insecure = true
     # If True, skip fatal errors when no endpoint in the NSX management cluster
     # is available to serve a request, and retry the request instead
     #cluster_unavailable_retry = False
@@ -438,7 +441,7 @@ data:
     # support automatically creating the IP blocks. The definition is a comma
     # separated list: CIDR,CIDR,... Mixing different formats (e.g. UUID,CIDR)
     # is not supported.
-    #container_ip_blocks = []
+    container_ip_blocks = IB-K8S-PODS 
     # Resource ID of the container ip blocks that will be used for creating
     # subnets for no-SNAT projects. If specified, no-SNAT projects will use
@@ -451,7 +454,7 @@ data:
     # creating the ip pools. The definition is a comma separated list:
     # CIDR,IP_1-IP_2,... Mixing different formats (e.g. UUID, CIDR&IP_Range) is
     # not supported.
-    #external_ip_pools = []
+    external_ip_pools = IP-K8S-LB
@@ -461,7 +464,7 @@ data:
     # Name or ID of the top-tier router for the container cluster network,
     # which could be either tier0 or tier1. If policy_nsxapi is enabled, should
     # be ID of a tier0/tier1 gateway.
-    #top_tier_router = <None>
+    top_tier_router = T0
     # Option to use single-tier router for the container cluster network
     #single_tier_topology = False
@@ -472,13 +475,13 @@ data:
     # policy_nsxapi is enabled, it also supports automatically creating the ip
     # pools. The definition is a comma separated list: CIDR,IP_1-IP_2,...
     # Mixing different formats (e.g. UUID, CIDR&IP_Range) is not supported.
-    #external_ip_pools_lb = []
+    #external_ip_pools_lb = IP-K8S-LB
     # Name or ID of the NSX overlay transport zone that will be used for
     # creating logical switches for container networking. It must refer to an
     # already existing resource on NSX and every transport node where VMs
     # hosting containers are deployed must be enabled on this transport zone
-    #overlay_tz = <None>
+    overlay_tz = nsx-overlay-transportzone
     # Resource ID of the lb service that can be attached by virtual servers
@@ -500,11 +503,11 @@ data:
     # Resource ID of the firewall section that will be used to create firewall
     # sections below this mark section
-    #top_firewall_section_marker = <None>
+    top_firewall_section_marker = 0eee3920-1584-4c54-9724-4dd8e1245378
     # Resource ID of the firewall section that will be used to create firewall
     # sections above this mark section
-    #bottom_firewall_section_marker = <None>
+    bottom_firewall_section_marker = 3d67b13c-294e-4470-95db-7376cc0ee079
@@ -523,7 +526,7 @@ data:
     # Edge cluster ID needed when creating Tier1 router for loadbalancer
     # service. Information could be retrieved from Tier0 router
-    #edge_cluster = <None>
+    edge_cluster = 726530a3-a488-44d5-aea6-7ee21d178fbc

10. Apply the manifest files

kubectl apply -f /nsx-container-plugin-operator/deploy/kubernetes/*

You should see both the operator and NCP workloads manifest

root@k8s-test-node:/home/packerbuilt/nsx-container-plugin-operator/deploy/kubernetes# kubectl get po -n nsx-system
NAME                       READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
nsx-ncp-5666788456-r4nzb   1/1     Running   0          4h31m
nsx-ncp-bootstrap-6rncw    1/1     Running   0          4h31m
nsx-node-agent-6rstw       3/3     Running   0          4h31m
root@k8s-test-node:/home/packerbuilt/nsx-container-plugin-operator/deploy/kubernetes# kubectl get po -n nsx-system-operator
NAME                               READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
nsx-ncp-operator-cbcd844d4-tn4pm   1/1     Running   0          4h31m

Pods should be transitioning to running state, and loadbalancer services will be facilitated by NSX

root@k8s-test-node:/home/packerbuilt/nsx-container-plugin-operator/deploy/kubernetes# kubectl get svc
NAME            TYPE           CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP     PORT(S)        AGE
kubernetes      ClusterIP      <none>          443/TCP        4h34m
nginx-service   LoadBalancer   80:31848/TCP   107m
root@k8s-test-node:/home/packerbuilt/nsx-container-plugin-operator/deploy/kubernetes# curl
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Welcome to nginx!</title>
    body {

The end result is a topology where every namespace has its own T1 router, advertised to T0:

Writing my first Prometheus exporter and scraping with Rancher

TLDR; Code repo can be found here. Huge thanks to Spencer for the original blog post that helped me, answering some questions over email, and providing a really helpful Prometheus exporter template (in Go) that I used for this example.

The monitoring framework in Rancher 2.5 was significantly changed – including, but not limited to, giving us the ability to scrape for our own application metrics and creating custom Grafana dashboards. The Monitoring stack in Rancher is a culmination of a number of open-source technologies:

  • Prometheus – For collecting and storing metrics into a time-series database.
  • Grafana – Analytics and visualisation of metrics (IE Prometheus).
  • AlertManager – An extension of Prometheus that enabling configuration of alerts and routing them to notification, paging, and automation systems.

Prometheus Exporters

Prometheus-native applications expose their own metrics which can be scraped from an HTTP endpoint. If we want to capture Prometheus metrics from a system that doesn’t natively export them in this format we need Exporters.

Exporters act as an interpretation layer, taking non-Prometheus formatted metrics and exposing them as such.

Test System – VDSL Modem

My VDSL modem (a EchoLife HG612 with unlocked firmware) does expose some metrics about my connection, but not in a format understood by Prometheus. Accessing /html/status/xdslStatus.asp on my modem returns:

var DSLCfg = new Array(new stDsl("InternetGatewayDevice.WANDevice.1.WANDSLInterfaceConfig","Up","VDSL2","","8852","42044","0","0","8852","40780","0","222","62","134","62","134","Unknown Mode"),null); var DSLStats = new Array(new stStats("InternetGatewayDevice.WANDevice.1.WANDSLInterfaceConfig.Stats.Showtime","90","4294967290","238","127","0","0","32","0","18","0","0","0"),null); var DslUpTime = "0"; var time = 0;

This information gives me some info about my connection. After some quick Googling, I found a reference table that defines what each of these fields relates to.

Writing the Exporter

As the aforementioned metrics aren’t in a format Prometheus can understand, I need to write an Exporter. Prometheus expects to scrape from HTTP-based endpoints, so writing one in go is quite trivial. Prometheus has packages you can leverage to help write your own – which I’ve used as part of the HTTP handler.

func main() {
	//Kick off collector in background
	go collector.Collect()

	//This section will start the HTTP server and expose
	//any metrics on the /metrics endpoint.
	http.Handle("/metrics", promhttp.Handler())
	log.Info("Beginning to serve on port :8080")
	log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil))

I wrote my own page for collector, which also includes Prometheus packages:

package collector

import (

// Stats get reset after disconnect, hence the use of Gauge Type
type myMetrics struct {
	UpstreamCurrRate      prometheus.Gauge
	DownstreamCurrRate    prometheus.Gauge
	UpstreamCurrRate2     prometheus.Gauge
	DownstreamCurrRate2   prometheus.Gauge
	UpstreamMaxRate       prometheus.Gauge

For tidiness, I decided to encapsulate all my metrics into a single instance of a myMetrics struct. Alternatively, you could simply store these in individual variables but with the number of metrics this collects, this seemed to be the more appropriate way.

The Prometheus package also exposes certain types, Guage is heavily used as over time, these values could fluctuate or even reset to 0.

The bulk of the Collector package performs the following:

  • Makes an HTTP call to the VDSL modems stats page.
  • Uses Regex to extrapolate the quoted values
  • Calls a helper function to convert these into float – which is what the prometheus.Gauge type expects
//Form Regex to extract all quoted strings
			re := regexp.MustCompile("\"(.*?)\"")
			extractedValues := re.FindAll(bodyBytes, -1)


Running this code and navigating to http://localhost:8080 shows the metrics:

Packaging in a Container

In the aforementioned repo, a Github CI job kicks off on a push to package this application inside a docker container, which makes it easy to deploy to Kubernetes.

Scraping with Rancher

To scrape additional metrics within Rancher (after installing the Monitoring chart), we can define additional servicemonitor objects to specify what needs to be scraped. In this example, I created a simple deployment object for my Exporter container, inside a Pod, exposed by a Service of type clusterIP

Which we can then inspect the metrics for in Prometheus:

And visualise in Grafana:

Automated deployment of K3s and Rancher on vSphere with Terraform

Previously, my local Rancher installs were based on RKE. However, since K3S is now a supported distribution, I decided to rebuild my environment leveraging it. Additionally, it was a good opportunity to automate the process with Terraform.

TL;DR contains the Terraform code required to do this.

Quick note on K3S with Embedded DB

This installation method is currently experimental. Do not leverage it in production (yet). Towards the end of August 2020, we (Rancher) plan to replace it with embedded etcd as per the roadmap. I’m a fan of simplicity, therefore when v1.19 does come out, I plan to simply tear down and rebuild my cluster using this Terraform code. However, one could equally modify it to leverage an external DB for a more production-ready setup.

Resources Created

The aforementioned Terraform code will create:

  • A single VM with NGINX installed acting as a Loadbalancer, forwarding TCP 80/443/6443 to the K3s Nodes
  • Three VM’s which will form the K3s cluster with an embedded DB. The first of which is used to initialise the cluster
  • Once the cluster is created, Cert-Manager and Rancher are installed which are probed for readiness.


  • Terraform version 0.13
  • Prior to running this script, a DNS record needs to be created to point at the Loadbalancer IP address, defined in the variable lb_address.
  • The VM template used must have the Cloud-Init Datasource for VMware GuestInfo project installed, which facilitates pulling meta, user, and vendor data from VMware vSphere’s GuestInfo interface. This can be achieved with:
curl -sSL | sh -

Or use the following Packer Template:

Acquire Kubeconfig

  • SSH to one of the K3s nodes
  • Grab /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml
  • Replace server: with the IP address defined in lb_address
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