Virtualisation, Storage and various other ramblings.

Category: Kubernetes (Page 2 of 4)

Debugging cloud-init not executing runcmd commands


Rancher leverages cloud-init for the provisioning of Virtual Machines on a number of infrastructure providers, as below:

I recently encountered an issue whereby vSphere based clusters using an Ubuntu VM template would successfully provision, but SLES based VM templates would not.

What does Rancher use cloud-init for?

This is covered in the Masterclass session I co-hosted, but as a refresher, particularly with the vSphere driver, Rancher will mount an ISO image to the VM to deliver the user-data portion of a cloud-init configuration. The contents of which look like this:

- staff
hostname: scale-aio-472516f5-s82pz
- sh /usr/local/custom_script/
- scale-aio-472516f5-s82pz
- create_groups: false
  groups: staff
  lock_passwd: true
  name: docker
  no_user_group: true
  - |
    ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc.......
- content: H4sIAAAAAAAA/wAAA...........
  encoding: gzip+b64
  path: /usr/local/custom_script/
  permissions: "0644"

Note: This is automatically generated, any additional cloud-init config you include in the cluster configuration (below) gets merged with the above.

It saves a script with write_files and then runs this with runcmd – this will install the rancher-system-agent service and begin the process of installing RKE2/K3s.

The Issue

When I provisioned SLES based clusters using my existing Packer template, Rancher would indicate it was waiting for the agent to check in:


Thinking cloud-init didn’t ingest the config, I ssh’d into the node to do some debugging. I noticed that the node name had changed:

sles-15-sp3-pool1-15a47a8f-xcspb:~ #

Which I verified with:

sles-15-sp3-pool1-15a47a8f-xcspb:/ # cat /var/lib/cloud/instance/user-data.txt | grep hostname
hostname: sles-15-sp3-pool1-15a47a8f-xcspb

Inspecting user-data.txt from that directory also matched what was in the mounted ISO. I could also see /usr/local/custom_script/ was created, but nothing indicated that it was executed. It appeared everything else from the cloud-init file was processed – SSH keys, groups, writing the script, etc, but nothing from runcmd was executed.

I ruled out the script by creating a new cluster and adding my own command:

As expected, this was merged into the user-data.iso file mounted to the VM, but /tmp/test.txt didn’t exist, so it was never executed.

Checking cloud-init logs

Cloud-Init has an easy way to collect logs – the cloud-init collect-logs command, This will generate a tarball:

sles-15-sp3-pool1-15a47a8f-xcspb:/ # cloud-init collect-logs
Wrote /cloud-init.tar.gz

I noted in cloud-init.log I could see the script file being saved:

2023-01-18 09:56:22,917 -[DEBUG]: Running config-write-files using lock (<FileLock using file '/var/lib/cloud/instances/nocloud/sem/config_write_files'>)
2023-01-18 09:56:22,927 -[DEBUG]: Writing to /usr/local/custom_script/ - wb: [644] 29800 bytes
2023-01-18 09:56:22,928 -[DEBUG]: Changing the ownership of /usr/local/custom_script/ to 0:0

But nothing indicating it was executed.

I decided to extrapolate a list of all the cloud-init modules that were initiated:

cat cloud-init.log | grep "Running module"[DEBUG]: Running module migrator[DEBUG]: Running module seed_random[DEBUG]: Running module bootcmd[DEBUG]: Running module write-files[DEBUG]: Running module growpart[DEBUG]: Running module resizefs[DEBUG]: Running module disk_setup[DEBUG]: Running module mounts[DEBUG]: Running module set_hostname[DEBUG]: Running module update_hostname[DEBUG]: Running module update_etc_hosts[DEBUG]: Running module rsyslog[DEBUG]: Running module users-groups[DEBUG]: Running module ssh

But still, no sign of runcmd.

Checking cloud-init configuration

Outside of the log bundle, /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg includes the configuration for cloud-init. having suspected the runcmd module may not be loaded, I checked, but it was present:

# The modules that run in the 'config' stage
 - ssh-import-id
 - locale
 - set-passwords
 - zypper-add-repo
 - ntp
 - timezone
 - disable-ec2-metadata
 - runcmd

However, I noticed that nothing from the cloud_config_modules block was mentioned in cloud-init.log. However, everything from cloud_init_modules was:

# The modules that run in the 'init' stage
 - migrator
 - seed_random
 - bootcmd
 - write-files
 - growpart
 - resizefs
 - disk_setup
 - mounts
 - set_hostname
 - update_hostname
 - update_etc_hosts
 - ca-certs
 - rsyslog
 - users-groups
 - ssh

So, it appeared the entire cloud_config_modules step wasn’t running. Weird.


After speaking with someone from the cloud-init community, I found out that there are several cloud-init services that exist on a host machine. Each dedicated to a specific step.

Default config on SLES 15 SP4 machine:

sles-15-sp3-pool1-15a47a8f-xcspb:/ # sudo systemctl list-unit-files | grep cloud
cloud-config.service                    disabled        disabled     
cloud-final.service                     disabled        disabled     
cloud-init-local.service                disabled        disabled     
cloud-init.service                      enabled         disabled                     static          -                          enabled-runtime disabled

Default config on a Ubuntu 22.04 machine:

packerbuilt@SRV-RNC-1:~$ sudo systemctl list-unit-files | grep cloud
cloud-config.service                        enabled         enabled
cloud-final.service                         enabled         enabled
cloud-init-hotplugd.service                 static          -
cloud-init-local.service                    enabled         enabled
cloud-init.service                          enabled         enabled
cloud-init-hotplugd.socket                  enabled         enabled                         static          -                           enabled-runtime enabled

The cloud-config service was not enabled and therefore would not run any of the related modules. To rectify, I added the following to my Packer script when building the template:

# Ensure cloud-init services are enabled
systemctl enable cloud-init.service
systemctl enable cloud-init-local.server
systemctl enable cloud-config.service
systemctl enable cloud-final.service

After which, provisioning SLES based machines from Rancher worked.

Evaluating Harvester in vSphere

Disclaimer – The use of nested virtualisation is not a supported topology

Harvester is an open-source HCI solution aimed at managing Virtual Machines, similar to vSphere and Nutanix, with key differences including (but not limited to):

  • Fully Open Source
  • Leveraging Kubernetes-native technologies
  • Integration with Rancher

Testing/evaluating any hyperconverged solution can be difficult – It usually requires having dedicated hardware as these solutions are designed to work directly on bare metal. However, we can circumvent this by leveraging nested virtualisation – something which may be familiar with a lot of homelabbers (myself included) – which involves using an existing virtualisation solution provision workloads that also leverage virtualisation technology.

Step 1 – Planning

To mimic what a production-like system may look like, two NICs will be leveraged – one that facilitates management traffic, and the other for Virtual Machine traffic, as depicted below

MGMT network and VM Network will manifest as VDS Port groups.

Also, download and make available the latest ISO for harvester

Step 2 – Create vDS Port Groups

It is highly recommended to create new Distributed Port groups for this exercise, mainly because of the configuration we will be applying in the next step.

Create a new vDS Port Group:

Give the port group a name, such as harvester-mgmt

Adjust any configuration (ie VLAN ID) to match your environment (if required). Or accept the defaults:

Repeat this process to create the harvester-vm Port group. We should now have two port groups:

  • harvester-mgmt
  • harvester-vm

Step 3 – Enable MAC learning on Port groups [Critical]

William Lam has an excellent post on how to accomplish this. This is required for Harvester (or any hypervisor) to function correctly when operating in a nested environment.

Set-MacLearn -DVPortgroupName @("harvester-mgmt") -EnableMacLearn $true -EnablePromiscuous $false -EnableForgedTransmit $true -EnableMacChange $false

Set-MacLearn -DVPortgroupName @("harvester-vm") -EnableMacLearn $true -EnablePromiscuous $false -EnableForgedTransmit $true -EnableMacChange $false

Step 4 – Creating a Harvester VM

Our Harvester VM will operate like any other VM, with some important differences. In vSphere, go through the standard VM creation wizard to specify the Host/Datastore options. When presented with the OS type, select Other Linux (64 bit).

When customising the hardware, select Expose hardware assisted virtualization to the guest OS – This is crucial, as without this selected Harvester will not install.

Add an additional network card so that our VM leverages both previously created port groups:

And finally, mount the Harvester ISO image.

Step 4 – Install Harvester

Power on the VM and providing the ISO is mounted and connected, you should be presented with the install screen. As this is the first node, select create a new Harvester Cluster

Select the Install target and optional MBR partitioning

Configure the hostname, management nic and IP assignment options.

Configure the DNS config:

Configure the Harvester VIP. This is what we will use to access the Web UI. This can also be obtained via DHCP if desired.

Configure the cluster token, this is required if you want to add more nodes later on.

Configure the local Password:

Configure the NTP server Address:

If desired, the subsequent options facilitate importing SSH keys, reading a remote config, etc which are optional. A summary will be presented before the install begins:

Proceed with the install.

Note : After a reboot, it may take a few minutes before harvester reports as being in a ready state – Once it does, navigate to the reported management URL.

At which point you will be prompted to reset the admin password

Step 5 – Configure VM Network

Once logged in to Harvester navigate to Hosts > Edit Config

Configure the secondary NIC to the VLAN network (our VM network)

Navigate to Settings > VLAN > Edit

Click “Enable” and select the default interface to the secondary interface. This will be the default for any new nodes that join the cluster.

To create a network for our VM’s to reside in, select Network > Create:

Give this network a name and a VLAN ID. Note – you can supply VLAN ID 1 if you’re using the native/default VLAN.

Step 6 – Test VM Network

Firstly, create a new image:

For this example, we can use an ISO image. After supplying the URL Harvester will download and store the image:

After downloading, we can create a VM from it:

Specify the VM specs (CPU and Mem)

Under Volumes, add an additional volume to act as the installation target for the OS (Or leave if purely wanting to use a live ISO):

Under Networks, change the selection to the VM network that was previously created and click “Create”:

Once the VM is in running state, we can take a VNC console to it:

At which point we can interact with it as we would expect with any HCI solution:

Taking a Modular Approach to my Homelab with Pulumi


After reviewing the key components of my lab environment, I translated these into the Pulumi stacks as illustrated in the diagram below. Pulumi has a blog post about the benefits of adopting multiple stacks and I found organising my homelab this way enables greater flexibility and organisation. I can also use stacks as a “template” to further build out my lab environment, for example, repeating the “Tools-Cluster” stack to add additional clusters.

The main objectives are:

  • Create a 3 node, K3s cluster utilising vSphere VM’s
  • Install Metallb, Rancher and Cert-Manager into this cluster
  • Using Rancher, create an RKE2 cluster to accommodate shared tooling services, ie:
    • Rancher Monitoring Stack (Prometheus, Grafana, Alertmanager, etc)
    • Hashicorp Vault
    • etc


Each stack contains the main Pulumi code, a YAML file to hold various variables to influence parameters such as VM names, Networking config, etc.

├── rancher-application
│   ├── Assets
│   │   └── metallb
│   │       └── metallb-values.yaml
│   ├── go.mod
│   ├── go.sum
│   ├── main.go
│   ├──
│   └── Pulumi.yaml
├── rancher-management-cluster
│   ├── Assets
│   │   ├── metadata.yaml
│   │   └── userdata.yaml
│   ├── go.mod
│   ├── go.sum
│   ├── main.go
│   ├──
│   └── Pulumi.yaml
└── rancher-tools-cluster
    ├── Assets
    │   └── userdata.yaml
    ├── go.mod
    ├── go.sum
    ├── main.go
    └── Pulumi.yaml

Each stack has a corresponding assets directory which contains supporting content for a number of components:

  • Rancher Application – Values.yaml to influence the metallb L2 VIP addresses
  • Rancher Management Cluster – Userdata and Metadata to send to the created VM’s, including bootstrapping K3s
  • Rancher Tools Cluster – Userdata to configure the local registry mirror

Rancher Management Cluster Stack

This is the first stack that needs to be created and is relatively simple in terms of its purpose. The metadata.yaml contains a template for defining cloud-init metadata for the nodes:

  version: 2
      dhcp4: false
        - $node_ip
      gateway4: $node_gateway
          - $node_dns
local-hostname: $node_hostname
instance-id: $node_instance

userdata.yaml contains k3s-specific configuration pertaining to my local registry mirror as well a placeholder for the K3S bootstrapping process, $runcmd.

  - path: /etc/rancher/k3s/registries.yaml
    content: |
            - ""
  - $runcmd

Creating the VM’s leverages the existing vSphere Pulumi provider, seeding the nodes with cloud-init user/metadata which also instantiates K3s.

userDataEncoded := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(strings.Replace(string(userData), "$runcmd", k3sRunCmdBootstrapNode, -1)))

				vm, err := vsphere.NewVirtualMachine(ctx, vmPrefixName+strconv.Itoa(i+1), &vsphere.VirtualMachineArgs{
					Memory:         pulumi.Int(6144),
					NumCpus:        pulumi.Int(4),
					DatastoreId:    pulumi.String(datastore.Id),
					Name:           pulumi.String(vmPrefixName + strconv.Itoa(i+1)),
					ResourcePoolId: pulumi.String(resourcePool.Id),
					GuestId:        pulumi.String(template.GuestId),
					Clone: vsphere.VirtualMachineCloneArgs{
						TemplateUuid: pulumi.String(template.Id),
					Disks: vsphere.VirtualMachineDiskArray{vsphere.VirtualMachineDiskArgs{
						Label: pulumi.String("Disk0"),
						Size:  pulumi.Int(50),
					NetworkInterfaces: vsphere.VirtualMachineNetworkInterfaceArray{vsphere.VirtualMachineNetworkInterfaceArgs{
						NetworkId: pulumi.String(network.Id),
					ExtraConfig: pulumi.StringMap{
						"guestinfo.metadata.encoding": pulumi.String("base64"),
						"guestinfo.metadata":          pulumi.String(metaDataEncoded),
						"guestinfo.userdata.encoding": pulumi.String("base64"),
						"guestinfo.userdata":          pulumi.String(userDataEncoded),
				if err != nil {
					return err

The first node initiates the K3s cluster creation process. Subsequent nodes have their $rucmd manipulated by identifying the first node’s IP address and using that to join the cluster:

userDataEncoded := vms[0].DefaultIpAddress.ApplyT(func(ipaddress string) string {

					runcmd := fmt.Sprintf(k3sRunCmdSubsequentNodes, ipaddress)
					return base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(strings.Replace(string(userData), "$runcmd", runcmd, -1)))

				vm, err := vsphere.NewVirtualMachine(ctx, vmPrefixName+strconv.Itoa(i+1), &vsphere.VirtualMachineArgs{
					Memory:         pulumi.Int(6144),

Rancher Application Stack

This stack makes extensive use of the (currently experimental) Helm Release Resource as well as the cert-manager package from the Pulumi Registry

For example, creating the Metallb config map based on the aforementioned asset file:

		metallbConfigmap, err := corev1.NewConfigMap(ctx, "metallb-config", &corev1.ConfigMapArgs{
			Metadata: &metav1.ObjectMetaArgs{
				Namespace: metallbNamespace.Metadata.Name(),
			Data: pulumi.StringMap{
				"config": pulumi.String(metallbConfig),

And the Helm release:

		_, err = helm.NewRelease(ctx, "metallb", &helm.ReleaseArgs{
			Chart:     pulumi.String("metallb"),
			Name:      pulumi.String("metallb"),
			Namespace: metallbNamespace.Metadata.Name(),
			RepositoryOpts: helm.RepositoryOptsArgs{
				Repo: pulumi.String(""),
			Values: pulumi.Map{"existingConfigMap": metallbConfigmap.Metadata.Name()},

And for Rancher:

		_, err = helm.NewRelease(ctx, "rancher", &helm.ReleaseArgs{
			Chart:     pulumi.String("rancher"),
			Name:      pulumi.String("rancher"),
			Namespace: rancherNamespace.Metadata.Name(),
			RepositoryOpts: helm.RepositoryOptsArgs{
				Repo: pulumi.String(""),
			Values: pulumi.Map{
				"hostname":           pulumi.String(rancherUrl),
				"ingress.tls.source": pulumi.String("secret"),
			Version: pulumi.String(rancherVersion),
		}, pulumi.DependsOn([]pulumi.Resource{certmanagerChart, rancherCertificate}))

As I used an existing secret for my TLS certificate I had to create a cert-manager cert object, for which there are a number of options that I experimented with:

1. Read a file

Similarly to the metallb config, A file could be read that contained the YAML to create the Custom Resource type, although this was a feasible approach, I wanted something that was less error-prone.

2. Use the API extension type

The Pulumi Kubernetes provider enables the provisioning of the type NewCustomResource. For my requirements, this is an improvement over simply reading a YAML file, however, anything beyond the resources metadata isn’t strongly typed

rancherCertificate, err := apiextensions.NewCustomResource(ctx, "rancher-cert", &apiextensions.CustomResourceArgs{
			ApiVersion: pulumi.String(""),
			Kind:       pulumi.String("Certificate"),
			Metadata: &metav1.ObjectMetaArgs{
				Name:      pulumi.String("tls-rancher-ingress"),
				Namespace: pulumi.String(rancherNamespaceName),
			OtherFields: kubernetes.UntypedArgs{
				"spec": map[string]interface{}{
					"secretName": "tls-rancher-ingress",
					"commonName": "",
					"dnsNames":   []string{""},
					"issuerRef": map[string]string{
						"name": "letsencrypt-staging",
						"kind": "ClusterIssuer",
		}, pulumi.DependsOn([]pulumi.Resource{certmanagerChart, certmanagerIssuers}))

3. Use crd2pulumi

crd2pulumi is used to generate typed CustomResources based on Kubernetes CustomResourceDefinitions, I took the cert-manager CRD’s and ran it through this tool, uploaded to a repo and repeated the above process:

import (
	certmanagerresource ""
	rancherCertificate, err := certmanagerresource.NewCertificate(ctx, "tls-rancher-ingress", &certmanagerresource.CertificateArgs{
			ApiVersion: pulumi.String(""),
			Kind:       pulumi.String("Certificate"),
			Metadata: &metav1.ObjectMetaArgs{
				Name:      pulumi.String("tls-rancher-ingress"),
				Namespace: pulumi.String(rancherNamespaceName),
			Spec: &certmanagerresource.CertificateSpecArgs{
				CommonName: pulumi.String(rancherUrl),
				DnsNames:   pulumi.StringArray{pulumi.String(rancherUrl)},
				IssuerRef: certmanagerresource.CertificateSpecIssuerRefArgs{
					Kind: leProductionIssuer.Kind,
					Name: leProductionIssuer.Metadata.Name().Elem(),
				SecretName: pulumi.String("tls-rancher-ingress"),

Much better!

Tools Cluster Stack

Comparatively, this is the simplest of all the Stacks. Using the Rancher2 Pulumi Package makes it pretty trivial to build out new clusters and install apps:

_, err = rancher2.NewClusterV2(ctx, "tools-cluster", &rancher2.ClusterV2Args{
			CloudCredentialSecretName: cloudcredential.ID(),
			KubernetesVersion:         pulumi.String("v1.21.6+rke2r1"),
			Name:                      pulumi.String("tools-cluster"),
			//DefaultClusterRoleForProjectMembers: pulumi.String("user"),
			RkeConfig: &rancher2.ClusterV2RkeConfigArgs{


				monitoring, err := rancher2.NewAppV2(ctx, "monitoring", &rancher2.AppV2Args{
					ChartName: pulumi.String("rancher-monitoring"),
					ClusterId: cluster.ClusterV1Id,
					Namespace: pulumi.String("cattle-monitoring-system"),
					RepoName:  pulumi.String("rancher-charts"),
				}, pulumi.DependsOn([]pulumi.Resource{clusterSync}))

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