Virtualisation, Storage and various other ramblings.

Author: David (Page 15 of 24)

Kubernetes zero to hero – from single VM webserver to a scalable microservices infrastructure


Having spent a number of months familiarising myself with container technology I inevitably got “stuck in” with Kubernetes. Containers are brilliant, but I personally don’t see the value of managing individual containers – it’s still the pets vs cattle mentality. Orchestrating containers with the likes of Kubernetes, however, makes a ton of sense and reinforces the microservices approach to building and deploying applications.

To test myself, I decided to document end-to-end the entire journey from taking a web server residing on a standalone virtual machine, containerise it, and deploying it via Kubernetes.


Disclaimer – I’m not a developer so the application example I’ll be using is relatively simple – but the fundamentals would be similar for other applications of increasing complexity.

Current and Intended State

I currently have a simple HTTP web server running on an Ubuntu VM on an ESXi host. For many reasons, this is a suboptimal design. The web server is facilitated by Apache2. As far as configurations go, it’s almost as basic as you can get, but surprisingly (shockingly) is widespread, even with front-facing, live websites.


At the end of this exercise, we will have redeployed this application in the following fashion:



So, to quote Khan from Star Trek Into Darkness:

Image result for shall we begin gif


Install Docker

You can install Docker on a number of operating systems, however, I had a spare Ubuntu server box idling so I used this as a kind of “staging” box where I could tinker with creating the Docker components prior to installing Kubernetes, but you could do this on a Kubernetes worker node if desired.

Curl and pipe the get docker url to your shell

 david@ubuntu_1804:~$ curl -sSL | sh 

Which should result in the following:


david@ubuntu_1804:~$ curl -sSL | sh
# Executing docker install script, commit: 36b78b2
+ sudo -E sh -c apt-get update -qq > /dev/null
+ sudo -E sh -c apt-get install -y -qq apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl > /dev/null
+ sudo -E sh -c curl -fsSL "" | apt-key add -qq - > /dev/null
Warning: apt-key output should not be parsed (stdout is not a terminal)
+ sudo -E sh -c echo "deb [arch=amd64] bionic edge" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list
+ [ ubuntu = debian ]
+ sudo -E sh -c apt-get update -qq > /dev/null
+ sudo -E sh -c apt-get install -y -qq --no-install-recommends docker-ce > /dev/null
+ sudo -E sh -c docker version
 Version:      18.05.0-ce
 API version:  1.37
 Go version:   go1.9.5
 Git commit:   f150324
 Built:        Wed May  9 22:16:13 2018
 OS/Arch:      linux/amd64
 Experimental: false
 Orchestrator: swarm

  Version:      18.05.0-ce
  API version:  1.37 (minimum version 1.12)
  Go version:   go1.9.5
  Git commit:   f150324
  Built:        Wed May  9 22:14:23 2018
  OS/Arch:      linux/amd64
  Experimental: false
If you would like to use Docker as a non-root user, you should now consider
adding your user to the "docker" group with something like:

  sudo usermod -aG docker david

Remember that you will have to log out and back in for this to take effect!

WARNING: Adding a user to the "docker" group will grant the ability to run
         containers which can be used to obtain root privileges on the
         docker host.
         Refer to
         for more information.

I want the ability to issue Docker commands without having to switch to root, so I added my user to the “docker” group

sudo usermod -aG docker david

Well, that was easy.

Create container image

The first thing we need to do is copy over our application code to our host. For this example, I have a simple .html file acting as a landing page:

To keep things tidy, I suggest creating a directory on your Docker machine.

david@ubuntu_1804:~$ mkdir WebApp
david@ubuntu_1804:~$ cd WebApp/

..Copy over code (ie via SCP)..
david@ubuntu_1804:~/WebApp$ ls

To create a docker image (and consequently a container) we must create what’s known as a Dockerfile. In short, a Dockerfile is a human-readable document that acts as a guide on how to create your image. Think of it like an instruction manual you get with flat-pack furniture, it provides the steps required to get to the final, constructed model. Hopefully without any spare screws.

So, with your text editor of choice, create “Dockerfile” within the application directory containing your code. Below is one for my application, which we will break down:

FROM – All “Dockerfile” files must begin with a “FROM” statement. This defines the base image for our application, which is pulled from Dockerhub (  Official releases are available from a number of companies, including Ubuntu, MySQL, Microsoft, NGINX, etc. These differ from your bog-standard OS install. Much more lightweight, hardneded and specifically engineered to cater for containerise workloads.

LABEL – This is metadata denoting the maintainer for this image.

RUN – When the docker image is instantiated, the following commands will be executed to compile this image. As you can see for this image I specify to update and upgrade the base OS as well as install Apache2.

COPY – This command copies over my application data (in this case, index.html) into /var/www/html, which is the root directory for the Apache2 service.

WORKDIR – Sets the working directory.

CMD – Runs a command within the container after creation. In this example, I’m specifying the Apache2 service to run in the foreground.

EXPOSE – Defines which port you want to open on containers from this image. As this is a webserver, I want TCP 80 open (TCP is the default). You can also add TCP 433, or whichever port your application requires.

The next step is to build our image using “Dockerfile” to do this, we can issue the following command. The “.” dictates we will use “Dockerfile” from the current directory.

docker build -t webapp:0.1 .

This command names the constructed image as “webapp”. The value after the colon determines the version of this image, in this case, I’m tagging this image as version 0.1. Should I make a change, I can recompile the image and increment the version number.

After issuing this command the terminal window will output the build process, similar to below. This includes Docker dragging down the base image and making modifications as per our Dockerfile:

david@ubuntu_1804:~/WebApp$ docker build -t webapp:v0.1 .
Sending build context to Docker daemon  3.072kB
Step 1/6 : FROM ubuntu:latest
latest: Pulling from library/ubuntu
6b98dfc16071: Pull complete
4001a1209541: Pull complete
6319fc68c576: Pull complete
b24603670dc3: Pull complete
97f170c87c6f: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:5f4bdc3467537cbbe563e80db2c3ec95d548a9145d64453b06939c4592d67b6d
Status: Downloaded newer image for ubuntu:latest
 ---> 113a43faa138
Step 2/6 : LABEL maintainer=""
 ---> Running in bdcf972318b5
Removing intermediate container bdcf972318b5
 ---> 3e6f9671a0af
Step 3/6 : RUN         apt-get update &&         apt-get -y upgrade &&         apt-get install -y apache2
 ---> Running in c26d1729a269


To validate the Image has been created, we can issue a “Docker image ls” command:

david@ubuntu_1804:~/WebApp$ docker image ls
REPOSITORY          TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
webapp              v0.1                5f42fa00f1f3        3 minutes ago       232MB
ubuntu              latest              113a43faa138        5 weeks ago         81.2MB

It’s a good idea at this stage to test our image, so let’s create a container from it:

david@ubuntu_1804:~/WebApp$ docker run -d -p 80:80 -t webapp:v0.1

This command runs a container in detached mode (ie we don’t shell into it) and maps port 80 from the host to the container, using the webapp:v0.1 image.

Therefore, curl’ing the localhost address should yield a HTTP response from our container:

david@ubuntu_1804:~/WebApp$ curl localhost
<h1 style="color: #5e9ca0;"> demo application</h1>
<h2 style="color: #2e6c80;">About this app:</h2>
<p>Imagination required. Consider the possibilities!</p>

Perfect. Our application is now containerised.

Install Kubernetes

As shown in the diagram at the beginning of this post, Kubernetes is composed of master and worker nodes in a production deployment. For my own learning and development I wanted to recreate this, however, there are ways you can deploy single-server solutions.  For my test environment I created the following:

  • 3x VM’s
    • Ubuntu 18.04
    • 2vCPU
    • 2GB RAM
    • 20GB Local Disk
    • Single IP – Attached to the management network

In an ideal world, you would flesh out the networking and storage requirements, but for internal testing, this was sufficient for me.

Once the VM’s are installed, create the master node by installing Kubernetes:

Add the GPG key as Root

root@ubuntu_1804:~# curl -s | apt-key add

Add repo for K8s

root@ubuntu_1804:~# echo "deb kubernetes-xenial main" &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;gt; /etc/apt/sources.list.d/kubernetes.list

Install Kubelet, Kubeadm, Kubectl and the Kubernetes CNI

apt-get update
apt-get install -y kubelet kubeadm kubectl kubernetes-cni

Next, we can initialise our master, but before we do so, consideration needs to be made with regards to the networking model we’ll be using. For my example, I used flannel, which states that we need to define the CIDR address range for our containers during the initialisation process.

sudo kubeadm init --pod-network-cidr=

Which results in the following:

Follow the instructions to run the mkdir, cp and chown commands as a non-root user. At the bottom is a command to add worker nodes – keep this safe.

Deploy the Flannel supporting constructs by executing the following:

kubectl apply -f

The process for creating worker nodes is similar – Install Docker (previously covered) and install the Kubernetes packages minus running the kubeadmin init command – replace it with the Kubeadm join command. Nodes can then be validated on the master node.

david@k8s-master-01:~$ kubectl get nodes
NAME            STATUS    ROLES     AGE       VERSION
k8s-master-01   Ready     master    22h       v1.11.0
k8s-worker01    Ready     none      22h       v1.11.0
k8s-worker02    Ready     none      19h       v1.11.0


Deploy an application to the Kubernetes cluster

At this stage, we have a functioning, albeit empty K8s Cluster, but it’s ready to start hosting applications. For my application, I took a two-step process:

  • Configure the replication controller (how many containers should run for this app)
  • Configure the service object (how to access this cluster from the outside)

A Replication Controller in Docker ensures that a specified number of container replicas are running at any one time. In this example, I have created an account on Dockerhub and uploaded my image to it, so my worker nodes can pull it. We define a replication controller in a YAML file:

david@k8s-master-01:~$ cat webapp-rc.yml
apiVersion: v1
kind: ReplicationController
  name: webapp
  replicas: 5
    app: webapp
        app: webapp
      - name: webapp
        image: virtualthoughts/webapp:latest
        - containerPort: 80

Kind: The type of object this is

Spec: How this application should be deployed, including the image to be used.

Replicas: How many containers for this app should be running at any given time. Kubernetes constantly monitors the environment and if there’s a deviation between how many replicas should be running, and how many are currently running, it will reconcile automatically.

Label: Labels are very important. We label the containers in this replication controller so we can later tie them into a service object. This means as containers are created and destroyed, they are automatically included in the service object based on tags – After all, we don’t care much about containers as individual entities.

Next is to create the service object:

david@k8s-master-01:~$ cat webapp-svc.yml
kind: Service
apiVersion: v1
  name: webapp
    app: webapp
  type: NodePort
    app: webapp
  - protocol: TCP
    port: 80
    targetPort: 80

Kind: The type of object this is.

Selector: Which containers should be included in this service?

Type: Type of service object. In a cloud environment, for example, we can change this to “Loadbalancer” to leverage cloud platform-specific load balancers from the likes of GCP and AWS. But for this example, I don’t have an external load balancer so it’s not applicable.

What we’re accomplishing here are two fundamental operational aspects of our application:

  • We declare a minimum number of containers (pods) to be available at all times to facilitate our workload.
  • We’re establishing a relationship between containers (pods) with a service object via the use of tags. Therefore, any new containers that are created with the same tag will automatically be included in this service object. Think of the service object as a central point to access the application. We do not access the application by directly sending HTTP requests to containers.

To deploy these YAML files we issue a command via Kubectl:

david@k8s-master-01:~$ sudo kubectl create -f webapp-svc.yml
david@k8s-master-01:~$ sudo kubectl create -f webapp-rc.yml

We can also check the service:

We have labels to define the service and which containers to include, and we also have the current list of endpoints. Think of endpoints as loadbalancer members. Because of how nodeport works we can hit any of our K8S worker nodes on port 30813 and reach our service which will load balance across all endpoints.

I tested this on my two worker nodes (and I also added a bit of code to my index.html to return the hostname of the container servicing the HTTP request):


I had a lot of fun doing this, and the more I learn about containers and orchestration the more I believe it’s the next facilitator change in the way we manage applications, as significant as the change between physical and virtual machines.

Introducing VMware Kubernetes Engine

On the 26th of June 2018, VMware publically announced VKE – VMware Kubernetes Engine in Beta (with GA planned for later on this year). For me, the development of this solution flew under the radar, and its subsequent release came as quite a surprise – albeit quite a good one. So, where exactly does this solution fit with other Kubernetes based solutions that currently exist?

VKE Overview

VKE sits within VMware’s portfolio of cloud-native solutions as is pitched as a fully managed, Kubernetes-as-a-service offering. Therefore we have multiple ways we can consume Kubernetes resources from the VMware ecosystem, depicted in the diagram below.


Which prompts some customers to ask – Why should I pick VKS over PKS or vice-versa? From a high level, some of the differences are listed below:

Management Responsibility Customer/Enterprise Fully Managed
Consumption Model Install, Configure, Manage, Consume Consume
Residence Public and Private Cloud Public Cloud only


What we can ascertain here is that VKE is designed to abstract away all the infrastructure components that are required for an operational Kubernetes deployment. As a reminder, PKS is composed of:

  • PKS Control Plane
  • Kubernetes core
  • BOSH
  • Harbor
  • GCP Service Broker
  • NSX-T

Which is quite a lot to manage and maintain. VKS however, takes away the requirement for us, the customers to manage such entities, and simply provides a Kubernetes endpoint for us to consume. Networking, storage and other aspects are abstracted. Of course, there are use cases for both VKE and PKS. VKE is not looking to be a replacement for PKS.


How does it work?

Under the hood, VKS is deployed on top of AWS (who recently announced EKS, Amazon’s own managed Kubernetes-as-a-service platform) but in fitting with VMware’s ethos of “Any app, any cloud”, this is likely to extend to other cloud platforms – notably Azure. In addition to simply leveraging the AWS backend, VKS adds a few new features:

  • VMware Smart Cluster – Essentially, this is a layer of resource management, designed to automate the allocation of compute resources for maximum efficiency and cost saving, as well as automatic remediation of nodes.
  • Full end-to-end encryption – Designed so that all data, be it in transit or at rest is encrypted by default.
  • Role based access control – Map enterprise users to clusters.
  • Integration with Amazon Services – EC2, Lambda, S3, ES, Machine learning, the list is extensive.
  • Integration with VMware cloud services – Log insight, Wavefront, Cost insight, etc.


Why shouldn’t I just use EKS if I wanted an AWS-backed Kubernetes instance?

To be honest, this is a good question. If you aren’t using any VMware services currently, then it makes sense to go with EKS. However, existing VMware customers can potentially gain a consistent operational experience with both on-premises and cloud-based resources using familiar tools. Plus, when VKS opens up to other cloud providers, this will add tremendous agility to the placement of Kubernetes workloads, facilitating a true multi-cloud experience.

This service is obviously very new, and no doubt will change a bit up to GA, but it’s definitely worth keeping an eye on, considering the growing adoption of Kubernetes in general.

Hybrid Cloud monitoring with VMware vRealize Operations

Applications and the underlying infrastructure, be it public, private or hybrid cloud are becoming increasingly sophisticated. Because of this, the way in which we monitor and observe these environments requires more sophisticated tools. In this blog post, we look at vRealize Operations and how it can be a facilitator of true hybrid cloud monitoring.

What is vRealize Operations?

vRealize Operations forms part of the overall vRealize suite from VMware – a collection of products targeted to accommodate cloud management and automation. In particular, vRealize Operations, as the name implies, primarily caters to operations management with full visibility across physical, virtual and cloud-based environments. The anatomy of vRealize Operations is depicted below


Integrated Cloud Operations Console – A single, unified frontend to access, modify and view all related vRealize Operations components.

Integrated Management Disciplines – vRealize Operations has built-in intelligence to assimilate, dissect and report back on a number of key operational metrics pertaining to performance, capacity, planning and more. Essentially, vRealize Operations “learns” about your environment and is able to make recommendations, predictions and much more based on your specific workloads.

Platform Services – vRealize Operations is able to perform a number of platform management disciplines based on your specific environment. As an example, vRealize Operations can automate the addition of virtual machine memory based on monitored load, therefore proactively addressing potential issues before they surface.

Extensibility – Available from the VMware Marketplace, Management Packs extend the functionality of vRealize Operations. Examples include:

  • Microsoft Azure Management Pack from Blue Medora
  • AWS Management Pack from VMware
  • Docker Management Pack from Blue Medora
  • Dell | EMC Management Pack from Blue Medora
  • vRealize Operations Compliance Pack for PCI from VMware

The examples above demonstrate vRealize Operation’s capability to monitor AWS and Azure environments in addition to on-premises workloads, making vRealize Operations a true platform for Hybrid Cloud monitoring and operations management

Practical Example – Cluster Monitoring / Troubleshooting

In this example, we leverage one of the vRealize Operation’s built-in dashboards to check the performance of a specific cluster. A dashboard in vRealize operations terminology is a collection of objects and their state, represented in a visual fashion.


One of the ways vRealize understands the underlying environment is to establish and map dependencies in a logical manner. In this example, we have a top-level datacentre object (ISH), which child objects are decedents of (Cluster and hosts) this dashboard identifies key aspects of this cluster in a single page:

  • Cluster activity / utilisation
  • Health state of associated objects
  • CPU contention information
  • Memory contention information
  • Disk latency information

Without vRealize Operations it would be common for an administrator to try and collate these metrics manually, looking at individual performance charts, DRS scheduling information, and vCenter health alarms. However, with vRealize operations, this data is collected and centralised for easy and effortless exposure.


Practical Example – Workload Planning

In this example, we have an upcoming project that we want to forecast into our environment, particularly around disk space demand. We facilitate this by creating a “Project” in vRealize Operations, but before that, let’s look at the project UI in a bit more detail:


We can access this section by navigating to Environment > vSphere Object. At which point we can select the resource we’re interested in forecasting into. The chart in the middle projects the disk space demand for this specific vSphere object (a cluster, in this example). Note how we have an incline in disk space demand, which is typical of a production environment, however, we are within capacity for the time period specified (90 days).

To add a project, we click the green “plus” icon below the chart:


Next, we fill in details pertaining to the demand. In this case, I’m adding demand in the form of 5 virtual machines and I’m populating the specification of these VM’s based on an existing VM in my environment with an implementation date of June 19th.



If we add this project to the forecast chart, the chart changes to accommodate this change in our environment:



By adding this project we have obviously created more demand, consequently, the date in which our disk space resources will exhaust has been expedited.

By having this knowledge we can plan our capacity requirements ahead of time. In this example, I decide to add another project to add resources prior to the commissioning of the aforementioned VM’s:

Because we can combine projects into a single chart, we can see based on observed metrics what effect adding demand and capacity to our environment has.

This is one of a vast number of features in vRealize Operations.  vRealize Operations Manager can be an incredibly useful tool to have for a number of reasons. Its intelligent analytics, a breath of extensibility options and unified experience make it a compelling experience for modern cloud-based operations


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