TLDR: Take me to the Playbook

Note – This is just a high-level overview, I’ll likely follow up with a post dedicated on the CIlium/BGP configuration.

I’ve had my Turing Pi 2 board for a while now, and during that time I’ve struggled to decide which automation tooling to use to bootstrap K3s to it. However, I reached a decision to use Ansible. It’s not something I’m overly familiar with, but this would provide a good opportunity to learn by doing.

The idea is pretty straightforward:

Each RK1 module is fairly well equipped:

  • 32GB Ram
  • 8 Core CPU
  • 512GB NVME SSD
  • Pre-Installed with Ubuntu

Mikrotik Config

Prior to standing up the cluster, the Mikrotik router can be pre-configured to peer with each of the RK1 Nodes, as I did:

routing/bgp/connection/ add address-families=ip as=64512 disabled=no local.role=ibgp name=srv-rk1-01 output.default-originate=always remote.address= routing-table=main

routing/bgp/connection/ add address-families=ip as=64512 disabled=no local.role=ibgp name=srv-rk1-02 output.default-originate=always remote.address= routing-table=main

routing/bgp/connection/ add address-families=ip as=64512 disabled=no local.role=ibgp name=srv-rk1-03 output.default-originate=always remote.address= routing-table=main

routing/bgp/connection/ add address-families=ip as=64512 disabled=no local.role=ibgp name=srv-rk1-04 output.default-originate=always remote.address= routing-table=main


The following represents an overview of the steps code repo

To summarise each step:

Create Partition

Each of my RK1 Modules has a dedicated 512GB NVME drive – This will be used for primary Kubernetes storage as well as container storage. The drive is presented as a raw block device and therefore needs partitioning before mounting.

Mount Partition

The created partition is mounted to /mnt/data and checked.

Create Symlinks

Three directories are primarily used by K3s/Containerd to store data. Symlinks are created so their contents effectively reside on the NVME drive. These are:

/run/k3s -> /mnt/data/k3s
/var/lib/kubelet -> /mnt/data/k3s-kubelet
/var/lib/rancher -> /mnt/data/k3s-rancher

Install K3s

To facilitate replacing both Kube-Proxy and the default CNI to Cilium’s equivalents, a number of flags are passed to the Server install script:

--write-kubeconfig-mode 644
--disable servicelb
--token {{ k3s_token }}
--disable local-storage
--disable traefik

In addition, the GatewayAPI CRD’s are installed:

- name: Apply gateway API CRDs
    state: present

Install Cilium

Cilium is is customised with the following options enabled:

  • BGP Control Plane
  • Hubble (Relay and UI)
  • GatewayAPI
  • BGP configuration to Peer with my Mikrotik router

Install Cert-Manager

Cert-Manager facilitates certificate generation for exposed services. In my environment, the API Gateway is annotated in a way that Cert-Manager will automatically generate a TLS Certificate for, using DNS challenges to Azure DNS.

This also includes the required clusterIssuer resource that provides configuration and authentication details

Expose Hubble-UI

A gateway and httproute resource is created to expose the Hubble UI:

Mikrotik BGP Peering Check

Using Winbox, the BGP peering and route propagation can be checked:

In my instance, resolves to my API Gateway IP, with each node advertising this address.