Virtualisation, Storage and various other ramblings.

Homelab – Nested ESXi with NSX and vSAN

The Rebuild

I decided to trash and rebuild my nested homelab to include both NSX and vSAN. When I attempted to prepare the hosts for NSX I received the following message:



I’ve not had this issue before so I conducted some research. I found a lot of blog posts / comments / KB articles linking this issue to VUM. For example :

However, after following the instructions I couldn’t set the “bypassVumEnabled” setting. Nor could I manually install the NSX vibs and was presented with the following:


[root@ESXi4:~] esxcli software vib install -v /vmfs/volumes/vsanDatastore/VIB/vib20/esx-nsxv/VMware_bootbank_esx-nsxv_6.5.0-0.0.6244264.vib –force
Error in running [‘/etc/init.d/vShield-Stateful-Firewall’, ‘start’, ‘install’]:
Return code: 1
Output: vShield-Stateful-Firewall is not running
watchdog-dfwpktlogs: PID file /var/run/vmware/watchdog-dfwpktlogs.PID does not exist
watchdog-dfwpktlogs: Unable to terminate watchdog: No running watchdog process for dfwpktlogs
ERROR: object ‘/lib/’ from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded: ignored.
Failed to release memory reservation for vsfwd
Resource pool ‘host/vim/vmvisor/vsfwd’ release failed. retrying..
Resource pool ‘host/vim/vmvisor/vsfwd’ release failed. retrying..
Resource pool ‘host/vim/vmvisor/vsfwd’ release failed. retrying..
Resource pool ‘host/vim/vmvisor/vsfwd’ release failed. retrying..
Resource pool ‘host/vim/vmvisor/vsfwd’ release failed. retrying..
Set memory minlimit for vsfwd to 256MB
ERROR: object ‘/lib/’ from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded: ignored.
Failed to set memory reservation for vsfwd to 256MB
ERROR: object ‘/lib/’ from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded: ignored.
Failed to release memory reservation for vsfwd
Resource pool ‘host/vim/vmvisor/vsfwd’ released.
Resource pool creation failed. Not starting vShield-Stateful-Firewall

It is not safe to continue. Please reboot the host immediately to discard the unfinished update.
Please refer to the log file for more details.

In particular I was intrigued by the “Failed to release memory reservation for vsfwd” message. I decided to increase the memory configuration of my ESXi VM’s from 6GB to 8GB and I was then able to prepare the hosts from the UI.

TLDR; If you’re running  ESXi 6.5, NSX 6.3.3 and vSAN 6.6.1 and experiencing issues preparing hosts for NSX, increase the ESXi memory configuration to at least 8GB.


  1. Brad

    Can you elaborate on Increase the ESXi memory configuration to at least 8GB? I recall VMware remove the function with ESXi 6.5?

    • David

      Hi Brad,

      For this environment and its configuration 8GB was the minimum to purely get it functioning. ESXi 6.5 itself requires a minimum of 4GB.

      vSAN has no hard requirement IIRC, but it depends on the number of disks, disk groups etc. NSX adds an overhead aswell. A combination of all these resulted in my environment requiring 8GB each on the ESXi nodes.

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